Frequently Asked Questions
The course work you have already completed is probably the best preparation for this test. However, if you’d like additional preparation, you can purchase the study manual from the COA bookstore or online at ATI Testing, or check it out from the COA – Elizabeth City or COA – Dare libraries. In addition, two copies of the ATI TEAS study manual are available for review at the COA – Elizabeth City Owens Center or the admissions office at COA – Dare. However, you won’t be allowed to take the study manuals out of the facility.
You’ll need to take the form to the business office and pay for the test and bring the form back to Ms. Roberson with your payment receipt to verify payment. Your file will then be forwarded to the Owens Center for review of pre-admission requirements. You may call 252-335-0821 ext. 2304 or stop by the Owens Center (office 107 or 102) after completing the validation form to schedule a date and time for testing.
Photo identification (student identification badge or driver’s license) is required for testing.
Pencils, scrap paper and a computer-based calculator will be provided.
Robertson, Christopher
Instructor, Simulation; Director, Health Sciences and Wellness Programs Admissions/Advisement
COA – Elizabeth City: OC 107
252-335-0821 ext. 2304